Thursday, July 9, 2009

argh, im super pissed off the fk life

suddenly flash back into the conversation with ah pei that happened in the few days ago..
ah pei: lian er, got bf d..?
me: hmm.. no ar.. why ask so..?
ah pei: no ar..? erm, because u always look happy mah...
me: hmm.. izzit..? yes, if i can live my own life happily with my frens and family... =)
(then i paused for a few seconds and started to think about it over again..
lol. i just feel qualm and depressing after i answered this, am i happy? and what's my goal? im lost.. just feel like sudden urge to figure it out.. =S )

1 comment:

sherrie said...

hey ;)
check out my blog, it's sh!t with an i not exclamation.

sherrie here <3